Specific Structures Editor

Specific Structures Editor

With these functionalities, Livingroop can help  keeping the equipments and the common spaces always in good condition and properly operational.

If the condo also has a gym, swimming pool, bar, tennis court or other collective equipment can steamline its use and automate their reservations



Use Livingroop´s Special Block, Occurrences and Reservations functionalities to streamline all your infrastructures



Sometimes the provision of collective equipments can generate tension in the sharing of its use, in the distribution of its costs or in the maintenance of its quality.

Their use by the condominium owners can thus be conditioned by relational factores derived from the absence of mechanisms to ensure proper management of common infrastrutures.


The Livingroop platform, therefore,  includes the features that allow the minimization of controversy and frictions, allowing the dynamization and quality to use common equipment ans spaces.

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